Unique, Affordable Art
I am my father’s daughter, and my father is an artist. From the African safari murals he painted on our playroom walls, to the games of Pictionary we played on long plane journeys; despite what his job title may say, he is an artist. Everyone knows that pursuing a career in the arts can be a daunting concept, but I learned from my dad that no matter what you end up doing with your life, art doesn’t have to be left on the sidelines - and thank God it hasn’t been.
I am an English teacher by profession, and I love it, but (as with any job) escape is a necessity. Books, coursework, essays, marking - everything is language, words in a structured, formulaic order to make sense of meaning. Art has no formula, no strict rules to adhere to, yet somehow is a language of its own. I am lucky to have that, and even luckier that I get to share it.